Protecting the Heart of Penobscot Bay

Our mission at Islesboro Islands Trust is the preservation of open space, educating the public on valuable island ecosystems, and advocating for the environment on behalf of Islesboro and the surrounding Penobscot Bay region.


Land Protection
IIT has protected more than 1000 acres of land and almost 15 miles of shoreline within the Islesboro archipelago. These conservation lands preserve priceless ecological, recreational, and scenic resources for the Islesboro community. Contact us to play a part in saving Islesboro’s natural heritage.
IIT provides a variety of free environmental education programs for both children and adults. These include both in-person and self-led summer programs for children, field trips and service learning projects for students, year-round nature walk & talks for adults and community and family events that take place throughout the year.
IIT plays a leadership role in many local and regional controversial environmental issues. We support local planning efforts and grassroots environmental work, and guide regional issues towards better environmental outcomes.

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