IIT Winter Newsletter - Winter Skies on Islesboro

From the Director’s Desk - Winter Skies on Islesboro

Winter in Maine is marked by long nights that make you want to curl up by the fire and hibernate. BUT, if you get outside on a clear Winter's night on Islesboro, you will find the sky alight with an unimaginable amount of energy! We are fortunate, on the island, to be able to see such an unimpeded sky, with the lack of light pollution our rural living provides.

But, it could be even better! Dark Sky Maine is an initiative to retain and reclaim our nights' sky throughout Maine. An organization fostered by the appreciation of our night sky and the knowledge of the harmful roll that artificial lights play on wildlife and our own circadian rhythm. Dark Sky Maine works to inform and educate organizations, individuals and communities on changes they can make. IIT hosted, John Meader, local astronomer and then, Vice President of Dark Sky Maine to lead a Zoom talk in 2022. John discussed not only the importance of downward facing outdoor lighting for wildlife and human health, but the remarkable improvement it has on cost and effective lighting. If you’d like to hear the entirety of John Meader’s Dark Sky Maine talk, click on the link below.

Dark Sky Maine Zoom Talk

Interested in learning more about Maine’s Winter Skies? IIT will be hosting a Star Party, led by John Meader, on Wednesday, February 26th at IIT’s Blueberry Hill Preserve @ 7:00pm. Join us then!

Interested in more resources? Follow the links below to learn more about Dark Sky Maine and the International Dark Sky program. Both sites provide excellent information on the Dark Sky initiative as well as links to Dark Sky approved lighting and other tools and resources.




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